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D.C. 酒吧许可证

D是什么?.C. 澳门赌场官网执照费?

请参阅 成员类 & 费用 for the most up to date information on the current year license fees.

D的最后期限是什么时候.C. 酒吧许可证?

In compliance with Article III, Section 8, D.C. 酒吧许可证 renewals are due 和 payable on 7月1日.  Members must remit their completed registration 和 payment by 7月15日 为了避免滞纳金. If your license renewal is not postmarked 和/or received by 9月30日, your membership will automatically be administratively suspended for nonpayment. 看到 成员类 & 费用 当前的许可费用金额.

How 和 when are the 酒吧’s annual license renewal notices sent?

自2020年5月1日起,D.C. 酒吧 will no longer mail paper invoices for the collection of license fees.  All notifications will be sent to the member’s primary email address on record. 如果您在5月1日之后没有看到通知,请务必检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹.  联系 Member Services if messages are not being received.

D是什么?.C. 酒吧的财政年度?

D.C. 酒吧的财政年度 is 7月1日 to June 30 each year.

When must my license renewal fee be remitted?

License renewal fees for the fiscal year are due 和 payable on 7月1日. Members must remit their payments by 7月15日 为了避免滞纳金.


最快和最有效的方式提交付款是通过您的在线会员帐户. We accept all major credit/debit cards 和 ACH (electronic checks). 不接受现金付款. Members may also make payment by phone by contacting Member Services at 202-626-3475.

提交付款时, members may also update their member profiles, 加入社区, 解析:选D.C. 酒吧公益中心.

这里有一个2.所有信用卡付款需加收5%附加费. You may avoid this fee by utilizing the ACH (electronic check) option, which is FREE.

打印发票可通过您的在线会员帐户会员谁希望邮寄支票付款. 不邮寄付款给D.C. 酒吧总部.

支票应以D为付款人.C. ”,并邮寄至:

D.C. 酒吧



支票应以D为付款人.C. 酒吧”.

不邮寄付款给D.C. 酒吧总部. 支票付款请邮寄至:

D.C. 酒吧

A returned item fee in the amount of $25 will be assessed for rejected check payments.


License renewal fees are late if postmarked 和/or received after 7月15日. Members who pay after that date must include a $50 late fee. 付款必须在9月30日之前盖上邮戳,以避免自动中止会员资格. 因未支付许可费和/或滞纳金而被行政吊销执照的个人,在吊销期间不得在哥伦比亚特区执业.


If you wish to be reinstated, your request must be submitted by logging into your 网上会员帐户 和 selecting the Reinstate Your 会员 option on the personal snapshot page. Reinstatement fees will be automatically calculated based on your current membership status 和 your selected membership class; payment will be required at the time of submission. You will be required to certify that you are not suspended, 暂停, 或被任何纪律当局取消资格或提供解释,如果你不能证明. 如果你被停职, 退休, or resigned for five years or more 和 seek reinstatement to the 酒吧, 您需要完成 强制性的课程 D选项正确。.C. 在您的请求提交之前,请参阅专业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践. 暂停程序的说明见 D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会规则II第6条第三节.D .第05(b)条.C. 条规章制度. The names of all suspended members are transmitted to the D.C. 上诉法院.

If you were disbarred or suspended with a fitness requirement, 您必须向专业责任委员会/纪律澳门赌场官网办公室提交复职申请和复职问卷. 点击 在这里 要访问表单.

Are reduced rates 可用 for government employees or members of the military?

T在这里 are currently no reduced rates 可用 for these groups.

Does the 酒吧 waive license fees or late fees for financial hardship?

Currently, the 酒吧 does not have a waiver program in place for financial hardships. 如果您无法支付您的有效状态许可费用,并且没有在哥伦比亚特区内积极执业, you may consider changing your membership status to 不活跃的.  否则,那些符合条件的人可以获得退休非活动状态和辞职. 的说明 成员类 可用. To further discuss your options, please contact Member Services at 202-626-3475.

The registration statement has three member types: Active, 不活跃的, 和 Judicial. 有什么不同??

在哥伦比亚特区执业或持有执业执照的会员需要积极的会员资格. Only active members are eligible to vote in 酒吧 elections.

非活跃会员资格适用于有资格成为会员但不持有在哥伦比亚特区执业执照的会员. 如果你将来决定在哥伦比亚特区执业,它会将你的记录保存在澳门赌场官网协会的档案中.

Judicial membership is 可用 to judges of courts of record; full-time court commissioners; U.S. bankruptcy judges; U.S. magistrate judges; other persons who perform a judicial function on an exclusive basis, in an official capacity created by federal or state statute, or by administrative agency rule; 和 退休 judges who are eligible for temporary judicial assignments 和 are not engaged in the practice of law. 如果成员的雇佣条款和条件要求他或她有资格从事法律工作, the member may choose to be an active member.

点击这里 查看成员类别.

我应该选择哪个会员类别? 你能给我一些建议吗??

Although the 酒吧 staff cannot advise you on what status to elect, 我们建议您咨询适当的D.C. 特别是上诉法院的规则 统治49 和 commentary on the practice of law in the District of Columbia.


You may change your class of membership at any time.

If you have already paid license fees for the current fiscal year, 登入您的网上会员帐户,提交会员类型变更申请,并汇出任何额外的应付款项. Changes submitted online are effective immediately upon submission. (注:任何更改司法级别的成员,在更改生效前,须核实其司法地位.)

If you have not paid your annual license fee for the current fiscal year, 您可以在年度续费过程中选择您想要的会员类别,或致电202-626-3475与会员服务部联系.

会员在任何其他班级待满五年或以上后,如欲重新成为活跃班级的会员,亦须完成D的必修课程.C. 在提交变更请求之前,必须遵守专业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践.  会员在支付年度许可费后决定将其会员类别从“活跃”更改为“非活跃”或“司法”,则无权退还先前支付的任何金额.

D呢?.C. 酒吧提供禁用状态?

是的,酒吧为残疾会员提供注册为退休会员的选择. 有资格成为这类会员, you must submit proof of disability from a physician, 连同完成的 Retired 会员 Request form to Member Services.

另外, 如果您已持有退休会员类别五年或以上,并希望恢复为活跃会员, you will be required to complete the 强制性的课程. 看到 第三节.01(B) D。.C. 条规章制度.

I am 退休 but would like to continue receiving D.C. 杆的材料. How do I switch to the Retired membership class?

D.C. 酒吧为两类成员提供退休会员类别:活跃至少5年的成员或不活跃/司法10年的成员, 在哥伦比亚特区或其他地方从事法律工作满25年, 和 退休 from the practice of law; 和 members who are totally disabled 和 are thus unable to practice. 会员可以通过提交本年度的许可证,避免支付本财政年度的许可证费用 退休会员申请表格 on or before 9月30日 of the fiscal year.

如果我选择退休会员, 我以后可以回到战场吗, 不活跃的, 或司法阶层的成员?

如果您已持有退休会员资格五年或以上,并希望恢复为活跃会员, you will be required to complete the 强制性的课程. 看到维.C. 酒吧章程, 第三条第四节.

我如何从D辞职.C. 酒吧?

You may voluntarily resign or withdraw your membership by submitting the required 申请辞职 form. 要提交辞职申请,你目前必须在D处有良好的信誉.C. 酒吧(我.e.,而非暂停). 根据澳门赌场官网公会规则, a resignation cannot take effect until approved by the 纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室. This review process requires a minimum of 30 days. 在此审查期间,您仍被视为澳门赌场官网协会的成员,并且必须保持良好的信誉. If you intend to resign during the renewal period, your application for resignation must be received no later than August 30th. 在此日期之后提交辞职请求的会员有责任支付与许可证更新相关的所有费用,以避免行政暂停. License fees are not refunded upon resignation.
